
Friday, December 30, 2011

CO.CC delisted by google(Welcome Back) - SEO Club

Hey guys, welcome back on GS SEO Club. On Dec 29, 2011 google delisted all subdomains. After Six months ago, google delisted all domain and subdomains that name with CO.CC to search engine results. It hapen because Google saw a large fraction of sites on that subdomain to be “spammy or low-quality” and felt it was warranted, in this case, to simply block the whole subdomain from showing up in Google’s results.

So friends now enjoy with domains.
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Google freshness factor for more recent search results

What Happens When Documents Are Too New? Google can change there searching policy time to time, to provide good search results to the end user. Now google announced that google freshness factor impacts roughly 35 percent of searches.

Last year google come with index Caffeine system. This is the new web indexing system that provide 50% fresh search results. Now google making one more significant improvement in there ranking algorithm that provide 35% batter results. Now we will see recent and hot posts, topics and event in search engine ranking.

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Google search index algorithm: Caffeine

Last Year in 2010 google comes with there new indexing policy that called Caffeine. Caffeine is the process that change 50% results in google search engine.

In old indexing algorithm, It had several layers that work to provide better output to the end user. But the Caffeine processes hundreds of thousands of pages in parallel that is helpful to provide batter searching results faster then old indexing system.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

URL Redirection and types of Redirect a URL.

Redirection is the way that send user and search engines on a different URL. This is the process that forwarding one URL to a different URL.

A exp. will help you to understand what is URL redirection.
When your open

it redirect on

There are some types of URL Redirection that are helpful to forwarding one URL to a different URL.

URL Redirection is the process that forward users and search engines on different URL. Some types of redirection are:

1. Permanent Redirection 301:

301 is a Permanent Redirection that pass the value between 90 to 99% on redirected page. Some 301 redirect codes are:

ColdFusion Redirect
<.cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved permanently">
<.cfheader name="Location" value="">

PHP Redirect
Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
Header( "Location:" );

ASP Redirect
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently"
Response.AddHeader "Location",""

ASP .NET Redirect
JSP (Java) Redirect
response.setHeader( "Location", "" );
response.setHeader( "Connection", "close" );

CGI PERL Redirect
$q = new CGI;
print $q->redirect("");

Ruby on Rails Redirect
def old_action
headers["Status"] = "301 Moved Permanently"
redirect_to ""

2. Temporarily Redirection 302:
302 Redirection is Temporarily Redirection that can not pass the value of link. It has tow versions and that are:
  • 302 found(HTTP 1.0)
  • 307 (HTTP 1.1)

  • 302 found(HTTP 1.0): This is the Temporarily Redirection and pass 0% of link juice that is now helpful for increase web site keyword ranking power. In most of the cases should not be used.
  • 307 (HTTP 1.1): 307 HTTP 1.1 is the successor of 302 redirefction and also best to use a 301. It can moved the content only temporarily and has already identified by the search engines as HTTp 1.1 compatible. It is best to use 302 Redirection.
3. Meta Refresh Redirection:
Meta Refresh Redirection pass the instructing to web browser to automatically refresh the current web page or frame after a given time interval. A best Exp. of Meta Refresh Redirection use blow code in porshan.

Use this code in the

This code can redirect after 5 sec.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

SEO friendly URL

How to build the "perfectly" optimized URL for your web site? This is the very common and very important topic in today's SEO word. Let's discuss - how we can make a SEO friendly URL, So that it can help us to make good keyword position in search engine ranking.

SEO friendly URLs are helpful to provide you a good ranking and traffic on search engine. In this post I have share a information that will help you to make SEO friendly URLs for your web site. If you are creating 301 redirection (The safest option and most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method for your web site or webpage and also helpful to redirect backlinks to your web site.) for you website, There are some points that will help you to make SEO Friendly URL for your web site.

Dynamic URL's
Some time Dynamic URLs create log tail URL's and these king of URL's are not SEO friendaly link in this exp.

Sometimes duplicate content issues can be ocer in these kind of URL's because it create more then one URL's for same page and search engine can not read it properly or gets cut off after 2 or 3 parameters.

Dynamic URL's are very logner and no-relevant keywords can be used in these URL's. The color and size parameters are likely creating tons of near-duplicates in these url's and also the session ID is creating virtually unlimited true duplicates. If you want to protect your site to search engine then it's time for a change. Here is the example that will help you

If you have URL like

This is a dynamic URL and you should chang it in

Unstructured URL's
Sometime people worry that, Is there site URL match with there website structure or not. They think if there URL is 6 steps from the home page and any other URL is 1 or 2 step away, then the second URL can get a lots of internal link. It's doesn't mean it your first URL is 3 levels deep to the home page and second URL is 6 step away then first one is batter to the search engine crawling. All else being equal. For example if you have a URL like:

......and you think it should add folder to represent their site architecture, like:

It doesn't mean that the second URL carries more meaning visitors.

Size of URL's
It means, how long URL can be useful for site. Technically, URL should be long as web page needs. A long URLs can be create trouble for a web page or a web site. A long URL's can create dilute ranking power for a url keyword and a good URL is like as a good copy. For exp.

Keyword Cannibalization
In Keyword Cannibalization we can target many URL's with same keywords. This is a very toughest problem that happens over an many site and it is very difficult to solve Keyword Cannibalization problem on a website.

Proceed With Caution:
  • Use 301 redirect in proper manner.
  • Time to time up-date all on-page links.
  • Update XML sitemap on regularly.
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Dynamic URL Parameters Builder - Google AdWords

URL Parameters is dynamic URL technique that pass all information about the particular click. URL parameters are used on the place of your actual site URL

For exp.

replace with the URL:

These kind of URL are helpful in tracking system and contains all the information about clicks in the AdWords and also helpful to provide complete information about a particular Inbound link, like how many visitors can visited on your site by through a particular link. There are some Parameters that are used in the Google Analytics URL Builder:-
  • Campaign Source: Campaign Source can represent the information about a source site where a link established.
  • Campaign Medium: Campaign Medium represent the medium of visits. For exp. the visitor can come by through baner or text link.
  • Campaign Name: It can represent the name of the product.
  • Campaign Term: Campaign Term can helpful to identify the paid keywords.
  • Campaign Content: It can useful for differentiate ads.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Most effective SEO Hat's - Black Hat, White Hat and Grey Hat SEO.

Hey friends, SEO HATS are playing a very important role for Search Engine Optimization. There are many different types of HATS available in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques. Let discuss about. In this post I share a Black Hat, Grey Hat and White SEO only. Some true fact of the Black hat, Grey Hat and White Hat seo exists alone. But the Search Engine Results Page have many different names such as green hat, yellow hat, brown hat and so on.....Wll come here and let see what is the purpose of there hats.....

Black Hat SEO:
Black Hat SEO is defined as techniques used to get higher search ranking in an unethical manner. In shot this is unethical SEO to to promote website keywords in search engine ranking. For exp. keywords stuffing, irrelevant content and content not visible to humans like the text colour would be matched with the background colour on any web site. Black Hat SEO is adopted to bring you'r web site or web page in top ranking, But this is very harmful stuff for a website. Search Engines will block you site after identify these kind of SEO.

Black hat SEO techniques are used for two reasons: -
  • They Work until search engines find out about them and they don't work.
  • Some users are not understand that black hat SEO techniques. That can get their sites penalized or banned by search engines.

Grey Hat SEO:
Grey Hat SEO, is a techniques that take risks than white hat SEO. But it's not likely to get you web site banned by the search engines. This techniques is inherit the combinations of black hat and white hat seo. For Exp. Paid Links, Unethical Link Exchanges, Article Spinning/Submission, Stuffed Website Content for Search Engines and Manipulating Sharing Statistics and so on..... This technique take some risks may be your site will be penalized, but it's not in the same category as black hat SEO. It inherit most of the feather of white hat so that search engines are against websites which buy links from third party web sites.

White Hat SEO:
White Hat SEO is a best method to optimize a web site. It completely follows all the search engine rules and policies. This is an ethical method that helpful for SEO and follow all the SEO Guidelines and work on the natural links. This Hat is refers to the usage of SEO techniques and strategies and also helpful to improve the authority of a website in search engine ranking. This SEO is specialist in SEO, Internet Marketing, Online marketing consulting, and SEO training for all types of business.

A best SEO is helpful to make your site unique and fresh and provide you best rank in search engine ranking.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New real-time social search Topsy For Google+ Search

Hello SEO friends, Today's Topsy Labs is provide best social serch platform. Topsy announced the addition of Google+ in there real time social search system. All Topsy features an influence algorithm are helpful to display the most popular social results. It displays shared post, links and all most effective results and information that shared by Google Plus users.

Topsy come with some latest feetchers.

Influence Algorithm
True “Search” Results
Community View On Articles
Seamless Tech Integration

With these all feetchers Topsy now furthered their stronghold of social search with the new Google+ additions and it's also a best way to search results.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is Reverse Proxy is really Helpful in SEO.

Wellcome in SEO word. In this post we are talking about How Reverse Proxy Helpful in SEO.

As we all know Subdomains are used to unique name to particular, function or service related with a web site. It is bane of my organizations. But on the place of subdomains, subfolders are helpful to make you SEO batter. Basically this is technique is the part of Reverse Proxy. With this technique you can unite your content or other factor or component on the web site under on domain. It can make the technical implementation quite simple.

For understand Reverse Proxy Technology check out this information.

Reverse Proxy Infographic

For more information about this information here I recommend you a SEOmoz link.
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Google Pando 2.5 announced the next web Winners and Losers

A search engine has all the records of those sites that lost after Google Panda Updates. Google Panda Update 2.5 going to be up-date with some unexpected surprises. In this updation Search Engine announced some Next web Winners and Losers news sties. Like ever Google’s own YouTube site is on top of the winners list and get second place in this list.

The list of Losers

This is the list of losers that make by google after google panda 2.5 update

There’s a winner list

This is the winner list in google panda 2.5 updated and youtube and get a higher rank in this updation.
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Monday, October 3, 2011

Title Tages length – How long Title Tages useful for you’r web page or web site

Hello friends, as we all know very well that Title tag play a very important role in search engine ranking (SEO). So that it is very important to make you Title unick and relevant so that will help you in search engine ranking. According to search engine title tag should be 65 to 70 characters of less. Is 70 characters are really best length for a title tags and why we recommended it? Is that bad? What does that mean?
Well some peoples are doing some experiments to check that how many characters are useful in google indexing. Today I find a post on seomoz that will help you to understand that how we can use title tag in our post.


A title is playing very important role to make you post attractive. A good title tag is also helpful to provide a good ranking to your post and web page in google index.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How google Work and google searching technique

Google is a search engine that work on the distributed network and thousands of computers and can therefore carry out fast parallel processing. It is very interesting to know how google work. I have show a image that provide you best example of google working.

Google search:
Search is the core technology of the google. The first think if you are searching something in the google then you searching some web sites and web pages and search engine can do this with the a software program that called google spider. Google spider also known as caroler that is responsible to provide a batter out-put to the end user. Spider can fetch web pages and follow the all other web pages link that linked with that pages and store that pages in there indexing aria.

If you want to find something in the google like you need to find information about SEO then you can write your key word SEO information in the google. After then spider can check all there indexing pages in the google data base and find the document that actually related with your key word and helpful to provide a batter search results.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

SEO need a strong link building

Hey SEO fans, well come on SEO Club. Today I introduce you with new style of SEO. Friends as we all know link Building is a very Important factor to Improve the search engine ranking. But some harmful and un-used links are responsible to make our site on low ranking in search engine. With the help of this post I provide you best way of SEO.


Hi friends, Now it's time to think wide about SEO. Here in this video Rand Fishkin suggest some tips about SEO Link Building. It doesn't matter we are creating dofollow or nofollow links for about site. A strong link building is helpful to provide a batter output in search engine ranking.

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My first Post on my blog

SEO link building is very useful for site promotion in search engine ranking. I today’s life it is most important factor to make a site famous in all over the word. As we all know in today’s web word there search engine (yahoo, bing and google) are very popular. These both are helpful to provide us best source of knowledge and batter results in web word. Today I stat my blog that help you to provide all the latest update abut SEO. So friends wish you all the very best in SEO journey.
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